What These Divorcees Really Want You to Know

divorce lawyer


There are thousands of lawyers who practice law in Pennsylvania. Lawyers have varying amounts of experience and develop expertise in different fields of law. For this reason, it’s important to find a lawyer with experience and specific expertise. CEO of Divorcing Divas, Christine K. Gifford, states that she “used a criminal attorney and got a poor settlement.”

In addition to knowing specific details of divorce law of which other types of lawyers may not be aware, divorce lawyers are more likely to be familiar with judges, lawyers and other officials in the court system. Specific knowledge regarding the process and procedures expected by judges and court personnel is invaluable in bringing cases to an efficient conclusion and in obtaining the best possible results.

Consider Your Finances Immediately

While you’re arranging to find the correct legal counsel for your situation, you need to determine your financial situation after the divorce. It is important to know if you will be obligated to pay support or if you can expect to receive support. It is always more expensive to maintain two households on the same amount of income that previously only had to support one.

A close examination of your budget and spending is critical. Rosemary Frank, a mediator and expert on divorce-based money issues, said that “raw emotions will heal and legalities will be completed, but the financial impact of poor decisions, or default decisions due to lack of understanding, will last a lifetime.”

Part of this process involves keeping track of all the accounts that you and your spouse share, in order to make sure that they aren’t hiding assets that should be included in the settlement. In addition to seeking legal counsel for your divorce, make sure to seek advice from a financial planner.

Minimizing the financial and emotional impact of divorce will help bring closure and allow you to focus on your forward looking needs and interests.

Is Divorce in Your Future?

Get expert advice to guide you through the difficult process of ending your marriage. Colgan & Associates can help you achieve the best possible outcome and help you move forward with your life.

Contact the Law Offices of Colgan & Associates to schedule a consultation to speak with one of our family law attorneys.

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